Getting Crystal Clear on Awards

When a business recognizes achievement, an award made of crystal frequently accompanies the celebration. Rather than an off-the-shelf cube, it is more meaningful for the recipient to receive something that truly commemorates the reason for the award and promotes the business brand. While it can be accomplished in phases, a custom gift requires advanced planning. To create a memorable crystal award, here are some important considerations: 

Is the award on brand? 

Regardless of the award’s purpose, brand consistency should never go by the wayside. With an endless possibility of shapes and sizes, an award should track the geometry of the brand by selecting an orb, a cube, a pyramid, or another configuration to call the brand to mind. Depending on the award, it can be sized to reflect the event, but consistency in shape should be a design motif.  

What are the numbers? 

When planning to order an award, consider the numbers because this can impact pricing. Awards are rarely entirely unique – they are often issued annually to recognize milestone achievements or given to more than one recipient at a particular event. Planning for an award needs to include a budget as well as a sense of the place of the award in the business cycle. Custom awards usually include a set-up fee, but once the design is in place, recurring awards will save on this expense, so it is worth considering the long-term intent of the award.  

Timing is everything 

When planning an event in which awards will be given, it’s essential to consider the event’s timing and preparation. Rather than burying recognition in the middle of the Winter holidays, a special event in the Fall or Spring will maximize attendance and impact. This will also catch vendors at a slower time of year, which means they can attend to your order more quickly. However, that term is relative, and crystal awards can take 8-12 weeks from conception to delivery. Plan for this lengthy timeline if you want a top-quality, custom award.  

What to say? 

One of the biggest concerns for businesses ordering awards is the messaging written on the award. If it is meant to recognize an annual achievement, the lengthy lead time might mean that the recipient can’t be identified that far in advance. Luckily, the messaging is the last step for crystal awards, so the order can be made of the base piece, leaving the etching of the message to the last phase of production, which can even occur locally following the delivery of the blank award. In other words, don’t delay ordering the award for lack of a specific recipient or message. 

Working with an expert 

Hundreds of vendors advertise crystal awards. They vary in quality, timing, pricing, and customization. Rather than try to find the right fit, work with a corporate gifting expert who has vetted the vendors and found trusted partners who will go the extra mile for repeat business. An expert can help with design and messaging and facilitate the ordering and delivery of a memorable, quality memento.  

MGI Corporate Gifts works with businesses in their gifting programs, including award design and delivery. Our expertise can help make your next award have maximum impact and make you shine. Contact us for information about customized crystal awards today.