5 Things You Should Know About Corporate Gifting This Season

Appreciation is one of the most powerful gestures available. Seasonal gifts are an important tradition and a good touchpoint, and September is the optimal time to start planning and executing on a holiday gifting effort. Here are five important things to consider.

1. Team Recognition is Critical 

Human Resources are volatile these days, so it’s more important than ever to recognize and reward your team for their dedication and hard work. An employee gifting program should have two elements:

  • Personal: Gifts with a useful purpose for the individual, such as branded clothing or a portfolio.

  • Memorable: Instead of getting lost in a sea of holiday cards, a small gift for every employee can make a huge difference.

2. A Challenging Economy Calls for Greater Recognition

Loyal customers and partners deserve a special reward for the value they bring to the company. It has been shown that it is easier to obtain repeat business from an existing client than land a new one, but clients can be fickle if they feel taken for granted. When times are tough – and there’s little doubt that they are – it’s particularly important to foster loyalty through a gifting program of appreciation.

3. The Details Make the Difference

Whether it’s a signed card or an extravagant gift, try to pay individual attention to each person being recognized. Select a variety of gifting options to allow for some personalization. For example, food may be welcome by some but not others. Also remember that branding the gift is a great way to stay top of mind, but subtlety is the better option.

4. The Season Starts Now…

Every year, we remind our clients to get started with Holiday gifting early. This year, we have found that many suppliers are being more conservative in their stock orders. This means that some of the more coveted gifts will be out of stock if orders are not placed early. 

5. …Or Does It?

While we strongly encourage our clients to make Holiday gifting a part of their appreciation strategy, this doesn’t always work out. Instead of ordering second-best gifts that won’t have the same impact, we recommend planning to send out gifts in the new year. 

At MGI, we work with our clients to set up a gifting strategy that touches all the key stakeholders. Unique, tasteful, and appropriate gifts can be planned for a range of recipients and budgets. If you want to make sure to get the right gifts out this holiday season, contact us today to start the process.

Corporate GiftDustee Markusson